The word “Christian” appears in the bible a handful of times, but the word “disciple” is scattered throughout the scriptures. So what is a disciple? How do we make disciples? And how can we be better together at making disciples in the context of community?
This is our final talk in the Better Together series, by Daniel Sih.
CS Lewis once wrote: “It’s funny how day by day nothing ever changes, and yet when we look back, everything is different.”
In this talk, Jamie Bester explains that discipleship happens in the everyday normality of our lives. Unpacking Deuteronomy 6: 1-12, he shares how ordinary people, doing ordinary things, can transform lives through the extra-ordinary love of God.
Jesus took a few loaves and fish, and multiplied a feast. In the Kingdom of God, things don’t grow… they multiply.
In our final “A Life Well Lived” talk, Daniel Sih explores the importance of a multiplication as a mindset for disciple making. God can take our little and make it a lot. We celebrate the multiplication of Hope Groups globally, and remember our vision to multiply communities across the suburbs of Hobart.
What does it look and feel like to experience life-on-life discipleship? Hosted by Michael Wood, we hear four stories about discipleship from within our own community, to encourage, challenge and inspire us in our faith.
Jesus was a most unconventional teacher. Rather than making disciples in a classroom setting, he taught his followers on the road, life-on-life. If we are to make disciples using the pattern of Jesus, we will need to do the same.
In our fifth talk on “A Life Well Lived,” Daniel Sih discusses the importance of structured and organic discipleship, including the role that organic teaching plays in the formation of a disciple.
How did Jesus equip and mobilise his disciples? How might we, as fathers, mothers, uncles, and aunties, follow Jesus example to raise healthy spiritual children?
In this talk, Daniel Sih introduces our next discipleship principle called “Invitation and Challenge.”
Jesus had three great loves — a love for the father, a love for extended family, and a love for a lost and broken-hearted world.
Daniel Sih re-boots his series on “A Life Well Lived” by teaching us how to pattern our lives on the pattern of Jesus. As we learn to balance our life according to the principle of UP / IN / OUT, we mature in our faith, grow as disciples, and form cultures where people look and act more like Jesus.
Jesus suggested that there are two types of people in this world. There are people who hear and discuss ideas, and those who put his words into practice.
Daniel Sih continues his series on “A Life Well Lived” by teaching us how to hear and follow God’s voice in everyday life. We can practice the words of Jesus by identifying kairos moments, and by walking the learning circle as a community.
Jesus gave us an important mission: “Go into all the world and make disciples.” The word disciple (‘mathetes’ in Greek) appears 269 times in the New Testament and is a central idea for those who wish to follow Jesus. But what is a disciple? And how do we embrace the practices of discipleship today?
In this talk, Daniel Sih unpacks the D-Word, providing practical and theological foundations to help us ‘learn through imitation’ as disciples of Jesus.
We all want to experience the good life, but what does this look like in practice? How do we make decisions about what to do, and not do, in a hyper-consumer culture?
This is a series about life, discipleship, and living joyfully in the way of Jesus. Come and begin this journey, towards life, peace, and abundance!