Rest In The Digital Age

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The digital age is upon us. Our phones, tablets and smart watches transform the way we live, work and rest, for better and for worse.

What does it mean for us to rest in the digital age, in a culture of constant connectivity? What do the scriptures have to say about technology, and how might we rethink our habits to engage deeply in Sabbath rest?

This is the final sermon in our 6-part series “rhythms of rest.” You can download our presenter notes here.

How To Design A Sabbath Rest

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“I need more rest in my life. But how do I start?”

In this practical talk, we outline a best-practice framework to help you plan and practice a weekly day of rest.

What are the 2 pillars of Sabbath (rest and remembrance)? How do you plan the 5 D’s (day, dishes, do’s, don’ts and disconnect)? How does rest differ for an introvert and extrovert? How do you make a practical start this week?

Use these links to download our Sabbath Workbook and PowerPoint slides.

The Freedom Of Rest

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“I’m not sure that I know what rest is. I don’t know if I ever really rest. I get up early and work hard all week. On the weekend, I’m a taxi mum and drive my kids to soccer, dancing, and to various birthday parties. Is everyone’s life like this?”
(Quote from a manager in Hobart)

In today’s world, many of us feel tired, stretched and disoriented. Yet Jesus brings us hope, profoundly shaping the way we think about work and rest, and human flourishing.

In this talk, Daniel Sih describes what it means to find freedom in rest, providing theological insights, and practical examples of what it means to Sabbath in a progressive, secular society.

Download PowerPoint slides HERE


A Day Of Rest

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Life is busy and cluttered. There are more tasks and more activities than we can possibly complete each day.

What might it look like if we were to stop working, wanting, and worrying for a full day each week? That is, to take a sabbath rest!

In this talk, Daniel Sih continues our series on the Rhythms of Rest, focusing on the weekly rhythm of sabbath. He outlines a theology of sabbath, the gift of sabbath, and encourages us to begin our own journey towards a sabbath rest!