Courageous Witness

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The word “witness” is found regularly in the scriptures. Stephen was a witness. Peter was a witness. Paul was a witness. But what is a witness and what does it mean to share our testimony today?

In this sermon, Daniel Sih shares his own testimony and encourages us to share our stories with courage, in a hostile secular culture. It can be helpful to “let go” of unhelpful images of evangelism, and “take up” a gentler yet courageous posture as a witness!

PowerPoint slides can be viewed HERE:


Deeply Thankful

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Easter Sunday is a day to be thankful, as we celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

It is hard to be thankful in our culture, which bombards us with negative marketing messages designed to make us critical of ourselves and others. In this space, what does it mean to be an Easter Sunday people everyday — to be deeply thankful, as a habit, from the inside-out?

In this message, Daniel Sih shares his own struggle with thankfulness. We learn from the sinful woman who anointed Jesus feet (Luke 7:36-50) to gain help along the way.

Lost and Found

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In the scriptures, Jesus shared a story about a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son (Luke 15:4-24).

In this sermon, Daniel Sih uses the concept of ‘lost and found’ to introduce a new series: “Thankful Witness — how to share good news with confidence and love.”

By sharing stories of friends who have been changed by the gospel, Daniel explains why the Good News is good news (in spite of how it is sometimes understood and expressed in our culture.) Our response, he suggests, must be to remember our own stories — to thank God for what He has done in our lives to move us from lost-ness to found-ness!



Walking on Water – Intro to 2018

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Is it possible to maintain peace and joy in the midst of a storm? Well, it all depends on who is in the boat with you!

In this sermon, Daniel Sih shares his thoughts about how to remain calm in the midst of a cultural storm, by relying on Jesus. He also addresses  particular challenges in the life of TPC by re-communicating our vision and addressing practical changes to help us gather in new ways.

PowerPoint slides can be viewed HERE.

Social Media and Discipleship

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This is the third sermon of a 3-part series on “Digital Technology – The Great Discipleship Challenge of our Age”.

Taking a particular focus on Facebook as the biggest social media platform in today’s society, Daniel questions the truth of Facebook’s promise as being “free and always free”, and whether there is actually a cost to us as disciples of Jesus. How do we feast and fast on social media in a healthy way, and engage with digital technology in a way that we’d have our kids and those we’re discipling proudly imitate?

PowerPoint slides can be viewed HERE.

The clip viewed at the beginning of this message can be seen here:

Medium is the Message

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This is the second sermon of a 3-part series on “Digital Technology – The Great Discipleship Challenge of our Age”.

One of the ways we can find ourselves thinking about digital technology is to carefully consider the content of what we’re exposing ourselves to, for us, our children and those we may be discipling. In this sermon Daniel draws on a thought that came to light as technology first emerged in the form of television, suggesting that the means of the content we’re exposed to is just as significant in shaping us as the content itself. In the instant, multi-tasking, constantly connected age of the smart phone, are we growing to look, act and think just like it? Or can we live in a way that allows us to engage with new media in a way that is set apart from the culture around us?

PowerPoint slides can be viewed HERE.

The Great Idol of our Age

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This is the first sermon of a 3-part series on “Digital Technology – The Great Discipleship Challenge of our Age”.

Opening the discussion for considering what may act at the greatest challenge we face as disciples in the 21st century, we hear there are many potential threats. Here Daniel shares his reflections and insights on what he sees to be the great idol of our age: digital technology. What consumes our time and energy? In the words of Tim Keller, what is the “functional master” of our hearts? Can we take on the challenge of a 24 hour digital detox? And follow Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego by living counter-cultural lives, and not bowing down to the idols of the day.

PowerPoint slides can be viewed HERE.

Looking to 2018: TPC Vision

This video outlines our vision for Third Place Communities for the next 6 – 12 months.

We reflect on:

  1. Building a service we love
  2. Growing our service
  3. A focus on evangelism
  4. Discipling our children
  5. Oikos rhythms

From this we would love:

To hear ideas for how to create a service we love,

To pray for our growth and a new name,

And, to pray for a new kids leader for the New Year.


This video is also available to download HERE.

Flesh and Spirit

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Milton Oliver joins us for the second time this year, again providing us with a different voice and perspective as somebody having walked in the gifts of the Spirit for many years. Milton offers an important reminder for what it means to be “crucified with Christ”, that our flesh has been put to death and our spirits raised to life with Him. Are we people living out of flesh or spirit?

Doubt to Faith

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As we seek to be people living lives that are led by the Spirit, doubt and disbelief can sometimes act as a barrier that holds us back and keeps us stuck. Sharing parts of her own doubt to faith journey as well as unpacking the story of Jesus healing a boy of an impure spirit (Mark 9), Alice leads us to see that in doubt we are called to be obedient to faith, and to come back and abide with the Father.