The Starfish Manifesto (Part 2)

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NOTE: This podcast is to be discussed in August 2016.

Wolfgang Simson is a prophetic speaker from Germany who teaches on the worldwide house church movement. He speaks with wisdom, humour, conviction… and also a fabulous accent!

This is part two of a series of talks titled The Starfish Manifesto. This MP3 combines a few teachings on: c) Kingdom Economics and d) Mission Possible.

Bivocational (BiVo) Ministry

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Very few are talking about it yet, but thousands of pastors are opting for a bi-vocational (BiVo) lifestyle. Like the 16th century Trappists discovered, our prayer and our labor go hand in hand in God’s economy. Everything is sacred, even our secular work.

In this seminal talk, Hugh Halter tells the story of Adullum, birthed through a network of bi-vocational saints. He casts a broader vision for ‘cheap church’ and challenges us to equip disciple makers by leveraging all of life into one calling.

This podcast has significant things to say about TPC and the model through which we fund ministry… well worth the effort!

Blessings And Money

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In this talk, we continue our series on discipleship and money.

What does it mean to be blessed? Is it true that God provides for our every need? And how might we act if we trusted in God to provide, day-by-day?

This podcast contains a number of stories about faith and money, cut and pasted from a larger series on “A Life Of Blessing.”

I Am God’s Money Manager

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Jesus talked much about money. Sixteen of the thirty-eight parables were concerned with how to handle money and possessions. In the Gospels, an amazing one out of ten verses (288 in all) deal directly with the subject of money.

As disciples who are seeking to look and act like Jesus, it seems right that we also talk about money… how it captures us and how it shapes our spirituality.

This is a good introductory talk on the topic of money, by charismatic speaker, Simon Holley.