Huddle is a structured program for people who have made a decision to follow Jesus, and who want to journey with him in a more committed way.
Jesus chose 12 ordinary people and spent a significant amount of time with them. He formed their character and developed their skills on the road, teaching information (new ideas) and providing imitation (observation and practice).
Huddle is modelled on this approach and provides a structured, fortnightly rhythm to learn the tools, practices and vocabulary of the ministry of Jesus.
When combined with organic activities of sharing life together, Huddle becomes a powerful mechanism to equip people for spiritual growth, community life, and fruitful mission.
A Huddle is a group of between 4-8 people, who meet weekly, or fortnightly, as learners / apprentices of Jesus. It is for current and future leaders who want to grow in their faith, and invest in others.
Huddles run for 2 hours and are typically held in people’s homes. They are a place to receive encouragement in a relaxed, fun and committed environment.
Each Huddle is led by a leader (rather than a coordinator) who has been trained, released and commissioned by our church. They are by no means perfect Christians (that is impossible!) but they do have a life and faith that is worth imitating.
Huddles are not groups that you can bring your friends to. They are formed with specific people, for a finite period of time, and foster a culture of trust, vulnerability and growth.
Typically, Huddles run for 1 – 1.5 years and then multiply, with members encouraged to start their own Huddles, or ministry endeavours.
We place a high emphasis on commitment for those who join a Huddle.
That is, people need to commit to being part of the group for at least a year, and turn up to every meeting (with the exception of sickness and planned holidays).
The reason we ask for a high commitment is because we invest a significant amount of time and energy in our apprentices. Our leaders pray for their people regularly. They prioritise their calendars, open their homes, and invite them into their lives. In this way, a Huddle is not a home group or a bible study. It’s a commitment that we make to invest in a new generation of leaders, who want to serve Jesus with their whole lives.
Here’s the thing that we have found. Those who are most committed have the most fun! Huddles are not serious groups. They are full of laughter and life, food and friendship. When people commit to this process, they experience something of community that looks and feels greater than what they have known before.
If you are interested in joining a Huddle, please speak with one of our leaders at Together Church. We prayerfully consider all requests and do our best to match suitable leaders with new apprentices.
Even if there is not a Huddle ready for you to join right now, we would love to start a conversation about how we can support and equip you in your spiritual journey!
Our missional communities meet throughout the week in homes, cafes and parks. They are like extended families who love God and love others. We also gather once a month for a network gathering …