Recommended Resources

Here is a list of recommended resources for new and prospective members:

Recommended Reading:

1. Discipleship

Building a Discipleship Culture by Mike Breen

  • “If you make disciples, you will always get the church. But if you try to build the church, you will rarely get disciples.” This simple idea is transformative. It mirrors our experience and informs who we are and why we do what we do.

The Great Disappearance eBook by Mike Breen

  • This neat little eBook communicates a foundational principle for making disciples. Jesus invited people to follow Him, using imitation and apprenticeship-style learning to transform lives. As followers of Christ, we are called to do the same.

2. Mission

The Forgotten Ways by Alan Hirsch

  • The ideas of Forge, led by Alan Hirsch, were formative in the inception of TPC. This book provides a theoretical overview of what it means to be missional. Specifically, Alan describes seven elements for the birth of a missional movement, namely; a) Jesus is Lord, b) disciple making, c) apostolic movements, d) missional-incarnational impulse, e) communitas not community and f) organic systems.

Recommended Podcasts:

The Rhythms of Work and Rest by Paul Maconochie

  • In this talk, Paul discusses the difference between success and fruit, unpacking biblical principles from John 15. The principle of ‘working from rest’ is informative in how we approach mission and discipleship in TPC.

Vision of a House Church by Wolfgang Simpson

  • Across the majority world, house churches are multiplying in their thousands — from India, to Africa, to China.
    In this short talk, German preacher Wolfgang Simson outlines his observations of what makes a house church work… and how multiplying households are changing the world.