Better Together On Mission

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Mission is an adventure and we are better together on mission. But in a hyper-individualised society, what does this look like in practice? How can we create patterns and rhythms to collectively connect with friends who don’t yet know Jesus?

In this talk, Daniel Sih explains the great mission strategy of Jesus (Mark 6: 6-13) sharing his own experiences of being called to serve as an overseas missionary to Hobart, Tasmania.

Eating As Neighbours

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Eating as neighbours is an expression of the Great Commission. As we share a meal with friends, we connect at a deeper level, and create space for God to move.

In the words of Ryan Cook: “The table is a powerful symbol of a world put right. At the table you look people in the eyes. The surface of the table is level. It creates an environment whereby you reach your hands into the same pot, take from the same food, to sustain your lives in the same way. It’s a levelling act.”

In this talk, Daniel Sih provides reflections on the story of Zacchaeus, and how we can eat with people like Zacchaeus in our own context.

Download slides HERE.

The Gospel is Trustworthy

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Abraham Lincoln famously suggested: “Actions speak louder than words.” And while this is certainly true, it is not always easy to speak… especially when the stakes are high.

King George VI found it hard to speak, stuttering his way through war speeches. Moses had a stammer and was fearful of sharing God’s message.

In this talk, Daniel encourages us to be brave with our words, and to speak with courage. The gospel is trustworthy because God is trustworthy!

The Gospel Is Real

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Life is hard. The church is corrupt. The world is broken. Is it possible to be honest and share the gospel with integrity, when things are still so messy?

In this sermon, Daniel Sih, Bono and Eugene Peterson talk candidly about what it means to be honest and dishonest. We unpack the story of four lepers who save Samaria (2 Kings 7: 3-16), and rediscover what it means to share good news in a world that is broken and messy.

To download our PowerPoint slides, click HERE.

Growing and Sowing

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The parable of the sower (Matthew 13: 1-23) is one of Jesus most beloved parables. Jesus shares a story about a farmer who sows seed (the word of God) with interesting results. What does it mean to be a grower and a sower in today’s world of doubt, trouble, worry and wealth?  What does it mean to share our lives, and our faith, when things get messy? What does it mean to stand firm in the gospel of grace in times of trouble?

To download our PowerPoint slides, click HERE

Courageous Witness

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The word “witness” is found regularly in the scriptures. Stephen was a witness. Peter was a witness. Paul was a witness. But what is a witness and what does it mean to share our testimony today?

In this sermon, Daniel Sih shares his own testimony and encourages us to share our stories with courage, in a hostile secular culture. It can be helpful to “let go” of unhelpful images of evangelism, and “take up” a gentler yet courageous posture as a witness!

PowerPoint slides can be viewed HERE:


Lost and Found

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In the scriptures, Jesus shared a story about a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son (Luke 15:4-24).

In this sermon, Daniel Sih uses the concept of ‘lost and found’ to introduce a new series: “Thankful Witness — how to share good news with confidence and love.”

By sharing stories of friends who have been changed by the gospel, Daniel explains why the Good News is good news (in spite of how it is sometimes understood and expressed in our culture.) Our response, he suggests, must be to remember our own stories — to thank God for what He has done in our lives to move us from lost-ness to found-ness!